It all started with a picture. I was on vacation and used that as an excuse to eat anything and everything. I remember feeling horrible the whole trip, bloated, fat and miserable. When we got home, I looked through my pictures and saw one that just made me cry. Who was this person? This was not a healthy, happy person. I had to do something but what? I worked out everyday, I ate a "healthy standard american" diet. Why was I so bloated and miserable? One day, I came across the Paleo Diet on the internet. Meat, veggies, healthy fats, some fruits, nuts and seeds. It seemed so easy but where were the carbs? How would I have energy for my workouts if I didn't eat bread and pasta? I started eating less carbs and sugar and then Christmas came and I got lost again. You see, I am a sugar addict. For me, there is no such thing as one bite. One bite turned into months of only eating sugar and feeling sick most of the time. I finally did Diane Sanfilippo's
21 Day Sugar Detox. The first two weeks were really hard. It was almost like I had the flu, now I know I was detoxing from sugar. After the first two weeks, things changed drastically. The fog lifted. I woke up one morning and realized, I am HAPPY!
Getting off sugar and grains was so much more than losing weight. I feel like a new person and I want to shout it from the rooftops how wonderful I feel. I want to help others feel the happiness that I feel. When my 21 days were over, I continued for 90 days. After the 90 days, I did have a paleo treat or two but I don't have them very often anymore. I took my before and after 90 day pictures and I could not believe the difference. I try not to weigh very often because I don't want the scale to dictate my mood. I now workout harder than ever. I train in Taekwondo and Crossfit and love every minute. My energy soars!