Thursday, July 24, 2014

Well hello everyone!  I haven't posted here in a long time!  So sorry!  Sometimes life just gets in the way.  But, I am back!   I have so much to share with you.  I am going to start with the present and then go back to talk about things that have happened this year.

My goal is to blog at least once a week.  I have so many topics floating around in my head- hair care, homemade beauty products, essential oils, dog fostering, real food recipes, #21DSD and so much more.

So, thank you for coming to my blog and feel free to read my past posts and I promise I will be much more active!

Here is my favorite news right now,  we adopted our last foster dog.  He was our #17 foster and we can not imagine life without him.  So, meet Julian!  I am going to write a whole post (or series of posts) about volunteering for a local rescue and about some of our foster pups.

Stayed tuned for more blogging friends!